Friday, July 30, 2010


Oh my goodness, Lucy is sleeping in her crib. It is like a Christmas miracle. We went to NC last week and I was really nervous about how Lucy's sleeping style would be impacted by the travel. I mean, we were not going to break down the Fisher Price My Little Lamb swing for the car! That was the only successful sleeping place we had had so far. Maybe it was under her grandparent's influence or something, but she began sleeping in a playpen in a room by herself with little effort at their house! It was amazing. And now, back in Ohio... her crib. Now if she'll only break her wanting to be fed every three hours throughout the night part. We're starting to let her cry through some of that... we'll see.

Friday, July 9, 2010

bumper jumper crazy

My dad said that my sisters and I used to love the old johnny jump-up, so I bought this new and improved version with a bumper around the edges for Lucy. So, far she seems to like it, but she's still a little small or something (hard to believe?) because her right arm keeps slipping down to join her right leg in the leg hole. Pictures to follow...

Tor, in our old house

These were the days, pre-baby, when Tor was #1, looked well-groomed and was well-exercised... Actually, it's only recently with Jon's surgery that the exercise has also been lacking. Poor dog.